Town Budget

About The Budget

A brief overview of the Windsor town budget process


The process leading to the adoption of the Town of Windsor budget is participatory and encourages input from citizens, boards and commissions, town departments and the town council. The budget process focuses on identifying funding levels necessary to continue basic municipal services, council priorities and community goals.

Council Priorities

At the beginning of the budget process, the Council adopts a set of priorities that focuses on the use of current resources in specific areas that have been identified as the most critical. These priorities are used by the departments in formulating goals, objectives, and strategies used to gauge the allocation of resources for the accomplishment of long-term goals. These priorities are also used by departments in formulating budget requests for the following fiscal year. The priorities are outlined in the Town Manager’s Budget Message.

Capital Improvement Plan

In accordance with the Town of Windsor Charter, the Town Manager shall present to the Town Council a six-year capital improvements program and shall recommend to the Council those projects to be undertaken during the first year of the program and the method of financing such projects. The six-year Capital Improvements Program may be found in Appendix A and the one-year Capital Projects Budget is located in Section O – General Services.

Public Hearings

At the beginning of the budget process, the Town Council holds public hearings to solicit input from the community as to its priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and to hear public opinion regarding the proposed budget once it has been submitted to the Council by the Town Manager and Board of Education.

Town Manager’s Proposed Budget

The Town Manager is required by the Windsor Town Charter to present to the Council a Proposed Operating Budget and a Capital Improvements Plan at least thirty days before the date of the annual budget meeting of the town. The proposed budget contains a detailed allocation of projected revenues and expenditures for all of the Town’s various funds and a summary of the Town’s debt position. The Manager also includes a budget message that outlines the essential elements of Town Council and other long-term strategies and goals.