Historic District Commission Profile


The Windsor Historic District Commission (HDC) is an appointed commission charged with the preservation and protection of the historic character of the Windsor Historic District, which is generally located 250 feet to either side of Palisado Avenue, between the Farmington River and Bissell's Ferry Road.  Through its regulations, the HDC regulates the exterior appearance of all man-made structures visible from the street within the Windsor Historic District.


Makes decisions on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness to build, remodel, enlarge, or demolish buildings and structures within the Windsor Historic District.  Additional information regarding the Windsor Historic District Commission can be found here.

Member VACANT Expires: 2024-10-31
Member Dupont-Diehl, Liz Expires: 2028-10-13
Member Reardon, Jacqueline Expires: 2026-10-14
Member Rubino, Steve Expires: 2024-10-11
Member Yeich, Colette Expires: 2025-10-10
Alternate VACANT Expires: 2021-10-12
Alternate Grant Yonkman, Nicole Expires: 2025-10-19
Alternate VACANT Expires: 2021-10-14
Liaison Sealy, Todd
Member - Historian Ermenc, Christine Expires: 2022-11-30
Party Seats
Democrats: 3
Republicans: 2
Independent: 0
Green: 0
Unaffiliated: 3

As per Section 5.1 (d) of the Town Charter, the council shall not appoint more than a bare majority of any one party on any board. This board/commission presently has: