Metropolitan District Commission Profile


The board is a 29-member Board of Commissioners, referred to as the District Board, which governs the District. Seventeen commissioners are appointed by the Member Municipalities, eight are appointed by the Governor, and four are appointed by the leadership of the Connecticut State Legislature. Appointments made by Member Municipalities having three or more members are subject to the minority representation provisions of Section 9-167a of the Connecticut General Statutes.


The District Board is authorized to establish ordinances or bylaws; organize committees and bureaus; define the powers and duties of such bodies; fix salaries and define the duties of all officers and employees; appoint deputies to any officers or agents of the District; and issue negotiable bonds, notes or other certificates of debt to meet the cost of public improvements or to raise funds in anticipation of taxes or water revenue, which debt shall be an obligation of the District and its inhabitants.  It has the power to levy a tax upon the Member Municipalities to finance the operational and capital budget of the General Fund relating to the sewerage system, and has the power to establish rates for the use of water to finance the operational and capital budget of the General Fund relating to water supply, treatment and distribution.


The District Board refers a proposed budget of revenues and expenditures to the Board of Finance annually. The Board of Finance reviews the proposed budget, makes adjustments if desired, and refers it back to the District Board for final review, possible modification, and enactment.  Capital project appropriations to be financed by the issuance of bonds, notes and other obligations of the District are subject to approval of the District Board upon recommendation of the Board of Finance.

Member Avedisian, John Expires: 2028-01-02
Member Johnson, Gary Expires: 2028-12-31
Party Seats
Democrats: 1
Republicans: 1
Independent: 0
Green: 0
Unaffiliated: 0

As per Section 5.1 (d) of the Town Charter, the council shall not appoint more than a bare majority of any one party on any board. This board/commission presently has: