Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Audience members may make comments to the Council and Mayor during “Public Communications and Petitions” which at the beginning of the meeting or once again at the end of the meeting. Speakers are asked to state their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to 3 minutes.
Town Council agendas may be viewed at both Windsor libraries, on the bulletin board at the town hall, or at the Town Clerk’s office. If you wish to see the agenda online, please click here.
Please call the Town Manager’s office at 285-1800 and we will relay a message to the Mayor to contact you.
Town Council meetings start at 7:30 PM and can go for as long as 11:00 PM, depending on the subject matter. The general time frame is about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.
Town Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM with the exception of April, July and August when they meet only once (the first Monday of the month.) To see the Town Council’s schedule, please see the Town Council Schedule. Meetings are open to the public, except for any executive sessions.
Budget Session meetings are held by the Town Council during the month of April.
Public Hearings are advertised and announced in the Hartford Courant or Journal Inquirer at least 7 days prior to the meeting date for the public’s viewing. A hard copy of the public hearing can also be viewed on the bottom floor of the town hall on its bulletin board under the “Town Council” banner.
Town Council meetings are held at the town hall in the Council Chambers which is located on the bottom floor of the town hall.
This information can be found on our website at Town Council subcommittees. Since these meetings are called by the chair, there is no set schedule, however, current and past agendas along with meeting minutes can be viewed on this page.