Welch Park Tennis Courts

The Town of Windsor has an upcoming project for the reconstruction of Welch Park Tennis Courts. Project work includes the demolition of the existing courts and fencing, the installation of a new post-tension concrete court and new fencing, installation of a shade structure and site restoration.  

A Public Information Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:30 PM Poquonock School Library, 1760 Poquonock Ave.

It is the Town’s policy to keep persons informed and involved when such projects are undertaken.  It is important that the public share any concerns or questions to assist in the project’s development.

Anyone interested in obtaining further information may do so by contacting the Engineering Department at (860) 285-1861, or by email at engineering@townofwindsorct.com. We also request that you share this information with tenants and employees.