What is the Windsor Human Relations Commission?
- Created by a town ordinance in 1967 to promote better understanding and respect among racial, religious, and ethnic groups.
- Encourages positive relations among various groups through education and social events.
- Recognizes residents and local organizations who promote inclusiveness.
- Comprised of nine members and four alternates. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Town Council and serve three-year terms.
If you are interested in serving on the Commission, please call the Town Manager’s Office at (860) 285-1800 or apply here. We especially encourage young people to join.
When and where are the meetings?
- At 6:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month, except July and August.
- At Windsor Town Hall usually. However, due to the pandemic the meetings have been held on Zoom.
- The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
Who are the members?
- Chairperson – Hon. Kevin Washington
- Vice Chairperson – Castella Copeland-Smith
- Secretary – James Madison
- Joyce Armstrong
- Leonard Swade
- Linda Massa
- Lisette LaTorre
- Pat Mack
- Rebecca Jacobsen
- Thomas Hayes
- Byron Bobb (Alternate)