Fiscal Year 2018

[kc_xpertz_document doc-type="pdf" display-format="grid" _id="882424" title="FY 2018 TM Proposed Budget" icon-width="180" doc-css="{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`typography`:{`text-align|`:`center`}}}}" link="207"]
[kc_xpertz_link doc-type="link" display-format="grid" _id="153778" title="Tax Calculator" link="||" icon-width="180" image=""]
[kc_xpertz_document doc-type="pdf" display-format="grid" _id="110677" title="Town Manager:apos:s Budget Message" icon-width="180" doc-css="{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`typography`:{`text-align|`:`center`}}}}" link="209"]
[kc_xpertz_title _id="23354" title="Community Budget Workshops" subtitle="Come join your fellow residents in receiving an in depth overview of this years budget!" styles="{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`typography`:{`text-align|`:`center`},`box`:{`margin|`:`30px inherit 30px inherit`}}}}"]

Windsor Residents are invited to attend three budget workshops. The workshops are planned to be an informal and interactive gathering that will provide residents with an opportunity to hear an overview on the upcoming fiscal year 2018 budget process.

We are once again partnering with the League of Women Voters and CT Voters organizations to offer three community budget forums beginning in April and continuing until the budget referendum in May. For more information call (860) 285-1835.

Thursday, April 20, 2017: 10:00 AM
L.P. Wilson Community Center / Senior Center
Community Budget Forum

Wednesday, May 3, 2017: 6:30 PM
Poquonock School
Community Budget Forum

Thursday, May 4, 2017: 7:00 PM
Community Center at 330 Windsor Avenue
Community Budget Forum