American Rescue Funds



The town will be directly receiving federal funds over the course of the next two years through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This is a unique opportunity for our community to work together to meet a variety of needs created by the far reaching pandemic.
An overview of the American Rescue Plan Act was provided to the Town Council in July of 2021 and a Council Workshop was held in August 2021 to further discuss the overall program guidelines and eligible use categories.  
On January 12th 2022 town staff presented an overall framework and potential allocation plan for the community and Town Council to begin reviewing and considering.   On this page are documents from the presentations provided to Town Council for discussion and consideration.   The desire is for the Town Council to endorse the overall allocation plan framework, including the proportion of funds towards capital, and provide town staff with direction on which elements to prioritize and initiate further planning on.  Specific funding authorization requests will be brought to the Town Council for consideration as the program planning continues and firmer cost estimates are determined.

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