Under the FDA Food Code Regulations, a certified food protection manager (formerly known as qualified food operator) will be required in all risk category 2, 3, and 4 establishments. This person shall pass a test recognized by the Conference of Food Protection, and their certification shall be verified at the time of the inspection (the certificate must be valid and not expired). The following 5 testing organizations are approved by the Conference for Food protection:
- 360 Training http://.learn2serve.com food-manager-certification/Customer Support (877) 881-2235
- Above Training/StateFoodSafety.com http://statefoodsafety.com Customer Support (801) 494-1416
- Environmental health Testing (National Registry of Food Safety Professionals) http://www.nrfsp.com Customer Service (800) 446-0257
- Prometric, Inc. http://www.prometric.com Customer Support(877) 725-3708
- National Restaurant Association http://www.servsafe.com Customer support (800) 765-2122