American Rescue Funds


Welch Pool Improvement Project

Welch Pool Improvement Project

Thanks to American Rescue Funds, Windsor is gearing up for a transformative renovation of the Welch Pool facility. A total of $3,080,000 has been allocated for the Welch Pool Improvement Project, with $2,700,000 sourced from American Rescue Funds and an additional $380,000 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance.

This extensive renovation project will completely overhaul the existing bathhouse facilities. The plan includes a 368 sq. ft. addition and a new roof for the bathhouse, alongside a completely redesigned interior. Key features of the renovation include a new entry vestibule with a staff admittance desk and fully updated, ADA-compliant men’s and women’s restrooms. All plumbing fixtures, flooring, and wall surfaces within the bathhouse will be replaced to modern standards. Furthermore, an adjacent restroom will be converted into a family changing room to better accommodate the needs of all visitors.

Beyond the bathhouse, significant improvements will be made to the pool itself. The project will see the installation of new pool decking and coping, as well as a fresh pool liner. In a move towards more family-friendly amenities, the existing wading pool will be replaced with new spray features, enhancing the recreational value of the pool area. Additionally, the perimeter fencing on the southwest side will be extended, creating an extra 400 sq. ft. of seating space for guests.

These improvements will make Welch Pool a more accessible and enjoyable community resource. The use of American Rescue Funds for this project highlights our continued commitment to enhancing public facilities through targeted investment in community infrastructure.

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