Windsor’s Dial-a-Ride provides transportation for senior citizens 60 years and older and adults receiving social security disability benefits who are without other means of daytime transportation. The service provides Windsor residents with in-town transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping, banking, senior activities, beauty/barber appointments, the library, etc. Transportation is available Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Reservations must be made by noon at least two days prior to your transport date. To reserve a ride, please dial 860-285-1846 and leave your name, address, telephone number, destination, the time of your appointment and duration of your appointment. Your message will be recorded. The bus driver will call you the morning of your ride to advise you of your pickup time. If you have not received your confirmation call the morning of your ride or to cancel your ride, please call 860-285-1846 as soon as possible.