Start a Business

With over 26,000 jobs and 30,000 residents, Windsor is the ideal location for your business. Here’s how you can get started.

Step One: Contact the Director of Economic Development

Set up a meeting with Windsor’s Director of Economic Development, Patrick McMahon, to discuss possibilities for your business. Patrick will answer any questions you may have about the process of opening a business in Windsor and will advise you on how to proceed. He can be reached at (860) 285-1877.

Step Two: Develop a Business Plan

It is essential to develop a business plan to demonstrate the legitimacy of your business idea. It can be referred to as a management plan and also for financing purposes. The U.S. Small Business Administration’s guide on how to create a business plan can be a very useful tool. Additionally, you may need to file a trade name for your business.  Please refer to the Town Clerk’s website to determine whether this is necessary.

Step Three: Choose a Location

Choosing a proper site is important for the success of your business because the location and facilities must comply with zoning regulations and building codes. It can also be useful to refer to Windsor’s zoning map to determine the best area for your business. Additionally, AdvanceCT’s SiteFinder can help you find available properties in the area you have chosen.

Step Four: Review, Inspection, and Permits

The Department of Building and Fire Safety reviews building plans for code compliance, issues building permits, and does construction and fire alarm/suppression inspections. Remodeling, repair, demolition, and new construction cannot be started at your business until permits have been acquired. Any new developments must also be in compliance with Windsor’s Plan of Conservation and Development and Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations. Once your property gets final approval, you are ready to open for business. Congratulations, and welcome to Windsor!