What is Clean and Green Windsor?

The “Clean and Green Windsor” program provides an opportunity for residents, community groups, non-profit organizations, and businesses to contribute to the ongoing effort to provide a clean and attractive environment for all who live in or visit Windsor. Any individual or group can adopt a spot in need of a little tender loving care and take pride in personally helping to keep Windsor wonderful.

What Does It Mean to Adopt a Spot?

Any area (park, trail, roadside, etc.) that tends to get cluttered with litter is a great option for adoption. Spot adoption lasts a minimum of two years but longer commitments are welcome. Adopted spots should be tended to at least twice a year. Trash bags, litter sticks, and reflective safety vests will be provided. If you’re not sure which spot to adopt, we can help you find a place where your efforts will make the biggest difference.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Fill out and submit the application form below.
  2. Wait for a town staff member to reach out about your application. Final spot assignments, answers to any questions you may have, and next steps will be discussed during the call.
  3. Prior to your first clean-up, have each participant fill-out and sign the electronic Adult Liability and Photo Release Waiver or Youth Liability and Photo Release Waiver below.
  4. Reach out about your clean-up date and to arrange equipment pick-up.
  5. Perform your spot clean-up. Make sure to take lots of pictures and share them with us so we can see all the awesome work you do!
  6. Make sure to call 860-285-1855 after your clean-up event to let us know where to pick-up your filled trash bags. Return any unused equipment to the Department of Public Works office after each clean-up.
  7. Please complete and submit the post clean-up report form below within 48 hours of your clean-up date.
  8. Be proud of the work you do to keep Windsor wonderful!

Frequently Asked Questions

The first page of the Adult/Youth Liability Waivers on the Clean & Green Windsor website lists all the safety guidelines we expect participants to abide by during their clean-ups. Once a liability waiver has been completed, an email will be sent to the participant with a copy of the safety information for future reference.

The Town of Windsor provides participating groups with a certificate of recognition after their first year of successful spot adoption. Group names will also be listed on the Clean & Green website.

While there is no minimum age requirement, we do require that participants under the age of 16 have adequate adult supervision at all times during clean-ups.

Two times per year with a minimum commitment of two years. Of course, we’d love to see groups clean-up more frequently, if their spot needs it, but only two clean-ups per year are required.

We provide trash bags, litter grabbers, and safety vests. Participants should return these items, minus used trash bags, to the Department of Public Works (DPW) after each clean-up event.

All sorts of areas can be adopted for litter clean-up. We envision that the most common will be parks, trails, and roadsides. However, if you come up with a creative idea for an area you’d like to adopt, we’re open to hearing it!

The Clean-up Coordinator should contact the DPW at 860-285-1855 to report the number and location of trash to be collected. We also encourage the Coordinator to fill-out the Post Clean-up Report form located on the Clean & Green Windsor website. The Clean-up Coordinator should return safety vests, trash grabbers, and unused trash bags to the DPW within five days of each clean-up event.

The Clean & Green Windsor homepage provides an overview of the program. For more details, please access the Application Form and Liability Waiver which contain more detailed program and safety information.

Questions or Comments?

Fill out the form below, call 860-285-1855, or email us at cleanup@townofwindsorct.com