Town Manager's Report - February 21, 2023

Free Marriage Licenses on Valentine’s Day
The Town Clerk’s office continued the long-standing tradition of issuing couples free marriage licenses on Valentine’s Day.  This year five couples received a free marriage license and were joined in matrimony, in town hall, by Justice of the Peace Anita Mips.  Additionally, one lucky couple won a raffle basket containing items donated by the following generous local merchants: Blue Dragonfly, Ewe & You, Marriott Hotel, Moneta Moments, Stop & Shop, Union Street Tavern and the Windsor Chamber of Commerce.  The Town Clerk’s office is grateful for the support of our local merchants in making this event extra special for the couples.


COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
The Windsor Health Department will host COVID Vaccine Clinics in partnership with the DPH/Griffin Hospital VAX Van in February on:

  • Wednesday, February 22, 2023, LP Wilson Community Center, 4 PM – 7 PM, and 6 months+
  • Thursday, March 16, 2023, Windsor Library, 10 AM – 1 PM, 12 year old+


No appointment is needed. This clinic is a walk-in clinic and recipients should bring their vaccine, insurance cards and ID with them.


Tree Removal on Town Green
As you may have noticed in the past few years, a couple of trees on the Town Green have been in decline. Two trees, the large beech tree in front of the portico and the remaining sugar maple in front of the Luddy House are in need of removal due to their decline and increasingly hazardous condition. The beech has been a well-loved tree for over 5 decades but in the past few years, DPW has had to remove several large limbs due to its hazardous condition. This past summer, the crown of the tree was clearly showing signs of distress.  The maple tree has also had limbs removed in the past few years. The plan is to replant two trees in front of the Luddy House as well as in the vicinity of the beech tree.

Because these trees are so prominent and their unfortunate removal will change the look and feel of the green, we will be taking extra steps to inform the community about our plans.  We will use various social media avenues as well as send information to the Windsor Journal.  At this time, I expect the tree removal will happen in March.


Community Conversation on Child & Adolescent Mental Health
Join Windsor Recreation & Hartford HealthCare’s Institute of Living on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Windsor Senior Center Cafe located inside the L.P. Wilson Community Center for a community conversation titled:

“Is that normal? Child and adolescent mental health and how to help them.”

Join Dr. Rosemarie Coratola as she discusses

  • Learning the early signs and symptoms of mental health disorders.
  • Classifying mental health disorders such as emotional disorders, behavior disorders, and developmental disorders in children and adolescents.
  • Recognizing the cultural issues and symptoms of commonly diagnosed mental health disorders in children and adolescents.
  • Identifying ways to seek support, assessment, and treatment.

Registration is recommended, but not required. Please call (860) 285-1990 with any questions.


Windsor Community Listening Session – Health & Safety Services in town
On Wednesday, March 1st from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Ludlow Room at the Windsor Town Hall there will be a community listening session to come out and share thoughts, questions, and experiences regarding health and public safety services in town.