Frequently Asked Questions
Road Improvements
- Provide survey, design and engineering support for major road improvement projects.
Professional and Technical Advice
- Provide engineering and technical consulting to other service units and boards & commissions.
- Review subdivision and site plan development review.
- Provide computer-aided design, drafting and design support.
Information Services
- Provide data and information for GIS mapping.
- Maintain and update town engineering /architectural map files.
- Provide information to the public regarding highway lines, construction projects, town properties, flood plain and subdivisions.
Stormwater Management
- Administer and implement the provisions of the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.
- Implement applicable portions of the Stormwater Management Plan; monitor staff reporting requirements.
- Continue to inventory and assess the drainage system, and identify and resolve local drainage issues.
Capital Improvements
- Obtain and develop funding opportunities in support of the Capital Improvement Plan.
- Implement capital improvement plan projects.
- Work with regional, state and federal agencies to facilitate the implementation and completion of projects in the CIP.
- Monitor major project progress and resources to ensure all specified and applicable requirements are met.
Landfill Regulatory Issues
- Provide technical and administrative guidance for the Windsor-Bloomfield Landfill to ensure that engineering related tasks and projects are in compliance with the Landfill Consent Order.
Flood Plain Management
- Administer and implement the provisions of the Flood Plain Ordinance and associated requirements.
Cold patch may be used in the winter months, preferably for emergency cuts only, but must be maintained by the contractor until permanent pavement repairs with hot apshalt and sealed joints are completed.
Disturbed sidewalks should be replaced such that repairs extend the appropriate length to replace the complete slab section (minimum 5 ft). Repairs shall include sawcut and shall meet the town standards.
Full width pavement restoration will be required.
All companies doing work within the right-of-way must be permitted and licensed. It is NOT acceptable that just the General Contractor obtains a license and permit. Each contractor must be liable for their own work.
Any trees within the town’s right-of-way must be posted for removal by the town forester 10 days prior to removal. Contact Jim Govoni at 860.285.1884 to coordinate tree removal.
See the town’s car wash fundraiser brochure for more information.
A driveway permit is needed when you are re-paving the portion of the driveway within the town’s right-of-way OR when you are installing a new driveway off of a town-owned road.
A Floodplain Management Permit is required for any and all land disturbing work proposed within the 100-year floodplain. The permit should be submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. One copy is required and there is no permit fee.
A Stormwater Management Permit is required for any and all activities meeting the following criteria:
- New development or redevelopment that involves the creation of 5,000 square feet or more of impervious cover, or that involves other land development activities of one (1.0) acre or more.
- Any new development or redevelopment, regardless of size, that is defined as an “establishment” as defined in C.G.S. 22a-134.
One copy shall be submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Permit fees can be found on the Stormwater Ordinances & Permits page.
An Erosion & Sediment Control Permit is required for any and all activities which result in the disturbance of more than one-half (0.5) acre of land, with the exception of the following:
- Any emergency activity that is immediatly necessary for the protection of life, property, or natural resources.
- Nursery and agricultural operation conducted as a principal, main or accessory use.
- Construction of a single family detached dwelling, disturbing less than one (1.0) acre of land, that is not part of a subdivision or larger development of land, provided that a permit is not required by the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission.
One copy shall be submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Permit fees can be found on the Stormwater Ordinances & Permits page.
Information on town-sponsored construction projects can be found on Engineering’s site on the Projects page. Ongoing projects are updated throughout construction and will include information on traffic detours, project schedule, and anticipated construction completion.
Any person, contractor, or utility doing work (digging by hand or using machinery) within the town’s right-of-way and town property needs a permit, even if the excavation is outside of the pavement area.
Everyone except the utility companies doing work themselves; MDC, AT&T, Comcast, Yankee Gas, CNG, Fiber Technologies. If a contractor is doing work for the utility company, the contractor MUST be licensed.