Broad Street Road Diet
The Town of Windsor is currently working with a qualified engineering firm, VHB, on a design for a “road diet” of Broad Street. The scope of the proposed project includes the reduction of Broad Street to one travel lane in each direction from Poquonock Avenue (Route 75) to Sycamore Street, the addition of on street parking, and improved walkability of the downtown area. Based on public feedback received since the last information session in December 2023, the Town is analyzing the feasibility of installation of a bike lane(s); as well as exploring the possibility of installing roundabouts at the intersections of Broad Street and Poquonock Avenue and Poquonock Avenue and Bloomfield Avenue in lieu of traffic signals.
A Public Information Meeting was held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 to present these options. If you were unable to attend or would like to review the options presented, recording of the meeting can be found on the Town of Windsor’s YouTube page HERE.
Please be aware that this page will be periodically updated as we proceed through the project.