Road Improvements
- Provide survey, design and engineering support for major road improvement projects.
Professional and Technical Advice
- Provide engineering and technical consulting to other service units and boards & commissions.
- Review subdivision and site plan development review.
- Provide computer-aided design, drafting and design support.
Information Services
- Provide data and information for GIS mapping.
- Maintain and update town engineering /architectural map files.
- Provide information to the public regarding highway lines, construction projects, town properties, flood plain and subdivisions.
Stormwater Management
- Administer and implement the provisions of the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.
- Implement applicable portions of the Stormwater Management Plan; monitor staff reporting requirements.
- Continue to inventory and assess the drainage system, and identify and resolve local drainage issues.
Capital Improvements
- Obtain and develop funding opportunities in support of the Capital Improvement Plan.
- Implement capital improvement plan projects.
- Work with regional, state and federal agencies to facilitate the implementation and completion of projects in the CIP.
- Monitor major project progress and resources to ensure all specified and applicable requirements are met.
Landfill Regulatory Issues
- Provide technical and administrative guidance for the Windsor-Bloomfield Landfill to ensure that engineering related tasks and projects are in compliance with the Landfill Consent Order.
Flood Plain Management
- Administer and implement the provisions of the Flood Plain Ordinance and associated requirements.