Staff Development Team

Who We Are

The Staff Development Team is an interdisciplinary team of Windsor town officials who’s primary responsibility is to comprehensively review all applications pending before the Town Planning and Zoning Commission (TPZC) and the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission (IWWC), providing information and advice to these commissions.  The team consists of a core group of officials representing the Planning Department, Building Department, Economic and Community Development Department, Engineering Department, Fire Marshal’s Office, Health Department, and Town Manager’s Office; but may also include the Police Department, Public Works Department and Board of Education as needed.

The Staff Development Team meets every Tuesday morning between 9:00am and Noon, with appointments generally lasting 15 to 30 minutes.  This approach allows applicants to meet with all of the town officials involved in their project in one quick meeting, avoiding the hassle of tracking down each official or coordinating meeting times between busy officials, which is a chronic problem in many other towns.  Ask any architect, engineer, or lawyer that has worked in both Windsor and elsewhere in the region and they will tell you that the Staff Development Team often provides the shortest, smoothest, and most efficient approval process around, saving their clients both time and money.

The Staff Development Team can also meet informally with prospective applicants to help them better understand the regulatory environment and provide insight gained through our decades of combined experience.  We strongly recommend this free service to help you develop a better application the first time around, avoiding costly changes and delays due to missing information or ignorance of established policies and procedures.  To schedule an informal discussion with the Staff Development Team, contact the Planning Department at (860) 285-1980.

Staff Development Team Information

Planning Department
275 Broad Street
Windsor, CT 06095

Town Hall, Third Floor

General Phone:
(860) 285-1980

Fax Phone:
(860) 285-1809

General e-mail:

Team Staff (bold type denotes core members who should be your first points of contact for more information)

Todd Sealy, PLA
Town Planner
(860) 285-1981
Lauri Volkert
Fire Marshal
(860) 285-1971
Assistant Town Planner
(860) 285-1982
Patrick McMahon
Economic Development Director
(860) 285-1877
Chloe Thompson
Environmental Planner
Wetlands Agent
(860) 285-1987
David Langworthy
Chief Building Official
Zoning Enforcement Officer
(860) 285-1962
Suzanne Choate, P.E.
Town Engineer
(860) 285-1857
Ryan Kohrer
Construction Inspector
(860) 285-1876
Jenna Zinky
(860) 285-1862
Heather LaRock
Police Captain
(860) 298-4315
Donald Melanson
Chief of Police
(860) 688-4545 Ext 516
Michael Pepe
Director of Public Health
(860) 285-1828
Michael Rotondaro
Registered Sanitarian
(860) 285-1827
Andrew Sterchak
Assistant Building Official
(860) 285-1973
Richard Shea
Fire Inspector
(860) 285-1969
Scott Colby
Assistant Town Manager
(860) 285-1800
Peter Souza
Town Manager
(860) 285-1800
Jennifer Hosein
Board of Education
Transportation Coordinator
(860) 687-2000 Ext 246
Danielle Batchelder
Board of Education
Business Manager
(860) 687-2000  Ext 259