Traffic Safety
Traffic Safety maintains and installs:
- Pavement markings, repaints crosswalks, stop lines and railroad crossings on town roads;
- Maintains and repairs 4 miles of guide rails;
- Installs and maintains traffic control signs, street name signs, and customized town entry-way signs;
- Maintains, tests, monitors and funds the utility costs for 20 town-owned traffic signals;
- Inspects, repairs, and maintains 776 town-owned streetlights;
- Funds utility costs for 3,699 streetlights in Windsor;
Most streetlights are owned and repaired by Eversource. Any problems should be reported to them at 800-286-2000
- Sets up and takes down equipment to support community functions such as:
- Shad Derby
- Chili Fest
- Fife & Drum Muster
- Memorial Day Events
- Library Book Fair
- Columbus Day Weekend Soccer Tournament
- Northwest Park Country Fair
- St. Gabriel’s and Wilson carnivals
- Block Parties
- Fishing Derby
- Halloween events in Town Center
- Lion’s Arts & Crafts Fair
- Stores property from state-mandaded evictions; auctions and/or disposes of unclaimed property per State Statute;
- Sets up and takes down equipment for referenda, primaries and elections;
- Performs 24-Hour emergency assistance to support police response to accidents and other emergency situations;
- Performs traffic engineering investigations.
To report any problems, email or call 860-285-1855.