Marriage Licenses


Any couple can get married as long as each person is 18 years or older and currently not married.


Marriage licenses are valid for 65 days from the date you apply for the license.  Couples must apply for the license in the town where the ceremony will take place.


You and your partner will need to complete this Marriage License application. You will be able to submit this application to us electronically. Please be sure to fill in all information requested on the form.

Within two business days our office will contact you, by email, requesting copies of your ID’s. Please reply directly to our email and attach a scanned image or photograph of both parties ID’s. We cannot process your marriage license until we receive copies of your ID’s. Acceptable Identification:  current government issued photo I.D. – a driver’s license or passport (U.S. or foreign passports are acceptable).

After receiving your ID’s, our office will contact you by phone or email to set up an appointment for you to pick up your marriage license.

Both parties must appear in-person to take an oath and sign the marriage license.

A $50 fee is due at the time of the appointment. Cash, check, credit or debit card are acceptable.

An application may also be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office.  A follow-up appointment is required to pick-up the marriage license.


Both spouses must appear before the officiator – a Justice of the Peace, Judge or an ordained or licensed member of the clergy.

IMPORTANT: The officiator will sign the marriage license after the ceremony and return the marriage license to the Windsor Town Clerk’s office.  (Couples are not allowed to return the completed marriage license to the Town Clerk’s office)


A certified copy of your marriage certificate is required by many government agencies, health insurance companies and financial institutions to prove you are legally married.

Changing your Name?

If you decide to change your name after you are married, you will need to report the name change to:

  • Social Security Administration (SSA website)
  • Your State’s DMV (CT DMV)
  • Passport (U.S. Passport Services website)
  • Financial Institutions
  • Credit Card Companies
  • Insurance Companies – car, health and life
  • Your employer – usually within 30 days
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Voter Registration
  • Post Office
  • Any other organization you may think of

How to Become a Justice of the Peace

The manner in which Justices of the Peace are selected in Connecticut are outlined in Connecticut General Statutes Section 9-183a9-183b and 9-183c. In accordance with the General Statutes the total number of Justices a town is entitled to select are allocated first among major political parties and then among unaffiliated voters and minor party members. Justices are selected during the year of the Presidential election and serve a four (4) year term.

Selection from the Major Parties

Two thirds (2/3) of a town’s Justice positions are allocated to “major” political parties that acquired that status by virtue of having enrolled as members at least 20% of all enrolled party members in the state. Currently, only Democrats and Republicans qualify under this provision, and therefore they each can select one third (1/3) of the Justices in each town in the state. The major party candidates for Justices of the Peace are endorsed according to the rules of each major party. The Democrats and Republicans endorse candidates either by the party town committee, a caucus of enrolled party members, or a party convention between the 84th and 77th days before a primary, if applicable. The names of those endorsed must be certified to the Town Clerk no later than the 14th day after the endorsement meeting. The persons endorsed need not be enrolled in the party unless the party rules so prescribe. The names of Justice of the Peace candidates do not appear on the November election ballot. They are however subject to primary. The winners of the primary are the nominees of the party and become the Justices of the Peace. In the event that no petition is filed, the endorsees become the nominees and are qualified to serve as Justices of the Peace.

Selection from Unaffiliated Voters and Minor Party Members

The last one third (1/3) of Justice positions in each town are reserved for electors who are NOT members of the major parties. These minor party members and unaffiliated electors could become Justices by applying to their Town Clerk between August 1 and November 1 of the Presidential election year. Previously appointed non-major party Justices who reapply must be reappointed. After reappointing these incumbents, if the town clerk received more applications than there were slots for non-major party members, the clerk must hold a lottery on or before the fifteenth business day of November to determine the order of all non-incumbent applications. Those applications drawn first are appointed Justices until all non-major party slots have been filled. The lottery continues until all applications are drawn so that a list can be established for filling vacancies.

Justice of the Peace Manual
Distributed by the CT Secretary of the State’s Office