Engineering Standards

The Town’s Engineering Standards and Specifications have been updated and published as of May 2010. The purpose of these Standards and Specifications is to provide consistent guidance to developers, contractors and homeowners so that public improvements reflect the use of quality materials and proven construction techniques that will continue to enhance our community.

Since the last revision of these standards and specifications, some significant changes have occurred in construction methods, materials, and design guides. For example:

  • the local residential roadway width has been reduced from 30 feet to 28 feet to address concerns with stormwater management and wetlands protection,
  • sidewalk details and specifications have been modified to include detectable warning strips at sidewalk ramps and a change in doweling at sidewalk joints, and
  • a new specification for stamped concrete surfaces has been added and patterns have been specified for the different potential uses such as crosswalks, snowshelves, and truck mountable aprons on cul-de-sac islands.

The adoption of several Town Ordinances and manuals including the Stormwater Management Ordinance, the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance, the Town Stormwater Manual, and the Traffic Calming Manual has also resulted in some new and/or revised details and specifications.

These Standards and Specifications were developed by the Engineering Division of the Development Services Group. They will be revised from time to time to reflect changes in technology, materials, and construction practices.

Click here to read more about the Town Standards and Specifications.