Landfill Closure Process – Remedial Action Plan
The Town’s landfill has reached the end of its useful life and is nearing the final stages of the closure and capping process. Town staff and environmental consultants have worked with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (“CT DEEP”) to develop a draft Remedial Action Plan (or “RAP”). The RAP is a document that defines areas of environmental concern for the landfill and adjacent wetlands and how the Town plans to address those concerns during closure and post-closure periods of the landfill site.
The CT DEEP will be accepting written comments for a period of 45 days; we encourage everyone to take a look and provide any feedback they wish.
The draft RAP is currently available for review by clicking this link. Hard copies are also available for review at the Windsor Town Clerk’s office, the Windsor Libraries, and at the CT DEEP office (79 Elm St., Hartford CT).