Energy Assistance Programs
Community Renewal Team – CRT
Each year, during the winter months, help is available to income eligible households to pay for heating fuel in the form of oil, gas, or electric heat. Help may also be available if heat is included in the rent payment. Appointments can be made by calling the main number at CRT which is 860-560-2694. When you call, let them know that you would like an appointment in Windsor.
The Windsor Fuel Bank
The Windsor Fuel Bank offers emergency crisis benefits for eligible Windsor residents who are experiencing hardship with their utility bills, heating needs and water bills. Eligibility is based upon several factors. Call Social Services at 860-285-1839 for information. Assistance for water bills is also available, for eligible households.
Operation Fuel
Operation Fuel provides emergency help with heating and utility costs. For more information and eligibility guidelines, please contact Windsor Social Services at (860) 285-1839.
Utility Assistance Programs
This program is for customers with arrearages on their electric bill with Eversource. Customers can reduce or eliminate their past-due balance if they pay an agreed upon budgeted monthly amount on time, each month. The monthly budget will be based on average annual usage and the arrearage amount. The customer must also make a one-time agreed upon good faith payment in order to start the program. Eligibility criteria include: arrears of $100 or more that are at least 60+ days overdue, gross income for the entire household of less than 60% FPG (Federal Poverty Guidelines). For more information, please call 1-800-286-2828.
Matching Payment Plan (MPP)
In order to apply for matching payment program, you have to apply for energy assistance through CRT first. Once approved through CRT, you can contact the energy assistance caseworker in the Social Services office to be placed on the matching payment program. For more information call 1-800-438-2278.
Insulation and Weatherization
Conservation measures installed under this program include insulation for attics and exterior walls. Also installed are infiltration and hot water measures. These measures are installed free of charge for qualified customers. For more information call 860-560-2694, choose option 2.