Hunger Action Team
Windsor Social Services and Windsor Food and Fuel Bank continue to provide supplemental nutritious foods to people in need in our community through the Windsor Food Bank. Additional assistance with food is also provided by Mobile Foodshare hosted by Windsor Social Services at 130 Deerfield Road. While these programs are helpful to those that need them, it does not solve the issue of hunger in our community.
We are a partner agency of Foodshare. Foodshare is working to increase the understanding of the root causes of hunger and to motivate people to be engaged in the solution. Foodshare has partnered with many of its neighboring communities to form Hunger Action Teams. A Hunger Action Team is made up of a variety of participants involved in and committed to the community. The team works together to identify the need of its community and to work toward solutions that will help fight hunger.
Windsor Social Services has formulated its own Hunger Action Team. A wide diversity of community stakeholders have actively participated in the team with representation stemming from the school system, religious institutions, business, and volunteer organizations, and more. The team meets the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 AM at the Windsor Town Hall.
Please call Windsor Social Services at 860-285-1839 for more information or with questions. You may also request to be placed on the distribution list for future meeting invitations.