Renters Rebate

Runs April 1st thru September 30th

September is the LAST MONTH to apply for the Renters Rebate Program.

State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room or living in cooperative housing or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. This is not an entitlement program.

Renters’ rebates can be up to $900 for married couples and $700 for single persons.  The renters’ rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies.

To be eligible:

· a recipient or spouse must be 65 years of age or older, or

· a recipient must be 50 years of age or older and the surviving spouse of a renter who at the time of renter’s death had qualified and was entitled to tax relief provided such spouse was living with the renter at the time of the renter’s death, or

· a recipient must be 18 years of age or older and eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits. 

· The renter must further meet a one-year state residency requirement. 

Grants are based upon income requirements shown in Connecticut General Statute Section 12-170e. 

Program Change Note:
there is no longer a provision to request an extension due to a medical condition.  

Windsor Social Services are completing Renters’ Rebate applications by telephone appointment. All supporting documents are required prior to making application.
Documents received after September 20th cannot be guaranteed to be submitted before program deadline. 

For informational letter CLICK HERE.


CLICK HERE to view checklist of documents needed. Upon receipt of required documents a caseworker will call you by phone to make application.