Garden Soil Health & You!

Sunday, August 18
1:00 to 3:00 PM


Residents: $12
Non-residents: $16
Free for Friends of Northwest Park members & Demonstration Organic Garden Team. Please call the Nature Center for registration at 860-285-188.

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That tomato looks lovely and tastes delicious – but is it high in nutrition? If you are growing your own vegetables, do you find yourself at war with insect pests and diseased leaves? This session will focus on how to raise the nutritional value of your harvest and establish more vigorous plants through boosting the biological vitality of your soil and delivering missing nutrients directly to your plants during the growing season. No chemicals, just harnessing the know-how of nature! After the two-part workshop, stay for open-ended questions and dialogue! We will start inside the Nature Center and move outside to the Organic Garden if weather permits. Sponsored by the Friends of Northwest Park.

Ruben Parilla, from Mass NOFA, will present a talk and demonstration of healthy soil biology.
Nigel Palmer, from the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition, will present his concepts related to boosting plant health and crop nutrition through the application of soil amendments and foliar sprays.