Fingerprinting Services

As of July 10, 2014 the Windsor Police Department has began providing fingerprinting services to the public via a private vendor; Biometric Identification Services will be in the Police Department lobby on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 3pm to 6pm.  There is a $30 fee per applicant for the service payable by cash, money order, bank check or business check. Credit cards or personal checks are not accepted.

Any individual or company that is in need of fingerprinting services on any other day can visit any of the other locations that Biometric Identification Services provides services to. For a full listing of locations and times please click and follow the link we have provided below on the lower left hand side of this page. For any additional information regarding these services, BIS can be contacted directly via phone or email which are provided below.

Phone: (888) 436-8778

